Lumen ad revelationem
Biblical studies
- Logion in Biblical Literature
- New Vulgate and the missing verses
- Living Oracles for us
- Plutarch and God-eclipse in Christian Theology
- The most evil verses in Scripture, really?
- Revelatory concepts in John’s Gospel
- Divine Revelation and experience
- Oracles entrusted to us
- Foundational principles of God’s Oracles
- The shock factor of Divine Revelation
- Oracles as norm
Gloria plebis tuae Israel
Early church
- Divine communication and prayer in Clement of Rome
- The Vossian recension of Ignatius reconsidered
- Doctrine of Creation in the early Church
- Battle for the Bible in the early Church
- Betwijfeld Christelijk geloof
- Augustine: young earth creationist, whether you like it or not
- Did Augustine really say that theologians should keep quiet about science?
Magnalia Dei
western civilisation
- Was evolution invented by Greek philosophers? Definitely not.
- DP Faure: How a colonial South African minister embraced spiritualism
- The adventures of the Rev MC Vos in Africa, Europe and Asia
- Faith and Theocracy in colonial politician CHW van der Post
- Spiritual value of colours in Renaissance paintings
- The devil and his works, or: the owl in Hiëronymus Bosch