Speaking from the clouds (during his in-flight press conference after his travels to Hungary and Slovakia), Pope Francis said: “But marriage is marriage. This is not to condemn people who are like that, no, please, they are our brothers and sisters, and we must accompany them. But marriage as a sacrament is clear, it is clear… Sometimes what I have said is confusing. All the same, respect everyone. The good Lord will save everyone – do not say this aloud [laughs] – but the Lord wants to save everyone.”
Some people, like Dr Taylor Marshall are shocked and surprised by these papal statements. They needn’t be. Pope Francis basically reiterates the beliefs of John Paul II, who was hastened through the Vatican’s saintsmill only a few years after his death. For some reason many were caught up in the propaganda and failed, merely for instance, to read Redemptor Hominis 13:
“Dives (the rich man, see Luke 16) and Lazarus are both human beings, both were created to the image and resemblance of God; both are similarly redeemed by Christ. Each one is included in the mystery of Redemption and Jesus Christ united Himself for ever through this mystery.”
Nothing new under the sun. Church politics as usual. It is, however, manifestly unfair to blame Pope Francis, without considering the complicity of previous bishops of Rome in this break with Holy Scripture and tradition.