John Matisonn: Truth does matter

Not many people can say that they have personally known all presidents and prime ministers of South Africa since the days of apartheid. In my lastest podcast, John Matisonn emphasizes the importance of truth and availability of facts as basis for good journalism and a functioning democracy.

The movie title “There’s a Zulu on My Stoep” receives deeper dimensions, once you realize that future president Jacob Zuma stayed in Matisonn’s house for several months. John has fond recollections of Mandela, less favourable impressions of others. He shares those with us in a journey through South-Africa’s past, in search of a future for the beloved country.

John Matisonn is a principled South African journalist, who faced jail time under apartheid government, rather than revealing his sources. In the new dispensation, he declined gifts when serving on the board of the independent broadcasting authority. John is a keen political analyst. Amongst his publications are the following books:

God, spies and lies: finding South Africa’s future through its past

Cyril’s Choices: Lessons from 25 years of freedom in South Africa, an agenda for reform

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