From an evolutionist perspective mankind should not exist anymore. We are genetically moving downhill with 62 random mutations added per new generation.
In this episode we have a conversation with Dr Don Batten, former CEO and senior scientist with Creation Ministries. Don is a horticulturalist, with a PhD from Sydney University, in New South Whales where he grew up on a farm.
Dr Batten relates how he initially took evolution for granted, but how his university years convinced him that Darwinism as a theory of descend is an impossibility from a biological and genetics perspective. Initially that made him an old earth creationist, because that seemed indicated by the science of geology. In his search for a coherent biblical and scientific worldview, he eventually settled on the classic Christian or Catholic view of creation. Very much like the church fathers taught it.
In this conversation Dr Batten also answers some of the big questions many people ask about creation. What evidence do you have that the creation narrative in the Bible is history? How did all the animals fit into Noah’s ark and how could the earth have repopulated with species in the few thousand years since? Where did Cain get his wife?
Food for thought and contemplation! Please join us for this stimulating encounter with Dr Don Batten in Queensland, Australia. Watch below or listen through Spotify or Apple.
-Creation answers book:
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