Reflection and knowledge are not two virtues of our present age. Many people are suddenly shocked to find out that we are living in days of a Great Reset (not in the conspiratorial sense, but as it has been publicly proclaimed by the World Economic Forum, June last year). My question to you is, where have you guys been for the last seventy years? Have you read wider than your own little circle and been exposed to the important thinkers of the twentieth century? Are you familiar with the works of Orwell and Huxley (see previous post). Have taken the trouble to read Money, Dewey and Bertrand Russel?
If not, use this time of Lent to do penance for your ignorance. What is happening to our world presently is no conspiracy of evil men. On the contrary, it is rooted in hopeful ideology. It is also thoroughly Godless and opposed to traditional morality and Western Civilisation, but its proponents sincerely feel they are having an eye on the general wellfare of the world.
The Great Reset is not a recent idea. It was developed in the wake of the first and mostly the second World War. By people who had lived through both and had a background in a traditional morality of virtue and Christianity which had failed to prevent the ultimate forms of destructions that followed in the 20th century.
Today I will share some thoughts from Bertrand Russell, the Cambridge philosopher who gave up on his wife because he felt that he no longer loved her (and liked other women better); on God because he did not sit well with his philosophy (and lifestyle) and on Russian communism because he already saw its evil fruits in the 1920’s. Russell was a conscientious objector during the Great War and was put in prison for his view that England’s involvement was wrong and illegitimate. He was proven right and a bit of a visionary in his conviction that Hitler, Nazism and the Communist occupation of Easten Europe would have been avoided and Germany preserved for civilisation if England had not driven so relentlessly towards war at the time. Russell said this 69 years ago and several recent biographies on Kaiser Wilhelm II have confirmed his view. Because of his peerage and academic background in England Lord Russell was able and somewhat freer to express himself than many of his contemporaries in other countries.
Betrand Russell was also so kind as to lay out the plan for the Great Reset as an unavoidable scenario. I share my transcription of a television interview that he gave in 1952 (any faults are mine and not Russell’s). You will find his views on the Great Reset from 20:16 in the conversation.
Three things needed
“Well, I think three things there are needed; if the world is to adapt itself to the industrial revolution. The troubles we are suffering now are essentially the troubles due to adapting ourselves to a new phase of human life, I mean the industrial phase. And I think three things are necessary if people are to live happy in the industrial phase. One of is world government. The second is an approximate economic equality between different parts of the world. And the third is, a nearly stationary population. Let I say a little to each of those.”
World government
“As to world government, the world government should of course be a federal government, leaving a great deal of freedom to the individual national governments. And only those things are to be controled by the world government which are absolutely necessary for the avoidance of war. The most important and most difficult of these is armed forces. All the important weapons of war will have to be in the hands of the international government. When that happens war will become practically impossible. And if war is impossible mankind could go ahead. If war is not impossible, every advance in scientific technique means an advance in mass murder and is therefore undesirable…
Economic equality between continents
I come to the question of approximate economic equality. As things stand at present, Western Europe and still more the United States of America have a high standard of life, on the whole the great majority of mankind live very comfortably from a material point of view. Asia on the other hand lives in very very great poverty. So does most of Africa. And the moment people are sufficienty educated to be aware of these facts the inevitable result is a great development of envy in the poorer parts of the world. That envy is a cause of unrest. And inevitably makes world peace precarious. There is only one way of dealing with it, which is: to use approximate economic equality. Which is of course a long story, but it can be done.
Stability in world population
The third point about population is very vital indeed. The food supply of the world tends at present to diminish through the inundation of the soil and tends of course also to increase through various technical advances, but those two are bad balanced so that on the whole foodproduce is not increased appreciably. So that means that unless everybody is to be very poor there must not be more people to be fed, not many more, than there are now. And therefore you have to get approximate equality in population, an approximately stationary population. Otherwise, those parts of the world where the population increases fast, will want to go to war with those parts where it increases slowly.